Thursday 17 November 2016

Health report from your DNA test

So, do you want to delve into the scary world of your genes and what it might or might not tell you about your health and future health?

Firstly, be VERY aware that you need to speak to your Doctor about any concerns, your genes may tell you what you are predisposed to but it all depends on so many factors of environment, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle etc. However if we know what we may be predisposed to then we are armed with the power to change some of these factors and hopefully reduce or eliminate their influence :)

Use this program to print a basic report on health, just go with the default files.
You will probably get red genes flagged up. Start with those and use several sites to lookup the RS numbers.

and of course Google.

Basically I just searched and searched until I was able to make sense of what the CURRENT medical interpretation of the effect of the gene is, of course bearing in mind it all depends on the effectiveness of the research.

Once I felt I could interpret the red flagged genes I moved on to the yellow ones.

This WILL take quite a while.

Once you have documented your genes and you feel you understand about homozygous, heterozygous, and risk alleles then you are probably ready to use the Promethease website.

It costs US$5 and you will get an extensive, interpreted report.
It is so big it is overwhelming and quite difficult to actually find the meaning for yourself.
(see Addenda below)

That's why I think the first exercise is best completed :)

I do however think that the genes that affect how your body metabolizes medication are important, and if you have any of these genes it would be a very good idea to discuss this with your Doctor.

There are lots and lots of other websites I came across whilst researching, this was just my experience.

You may find these links of interest

Stay healthy!


Reading your Promethease Report
The main section shows your 'genos', i.e. your genotypes and genosets. 

Each Geno is colour coded around the edge: Green=Good, Grey=Not Set, Red=Bad - this is called Repute
Many genos have a bit of good and a bit of bad. These remain 'Not Set' (the grey ones). Sometimes that's because they're not distinctly Good or Bad, but usually it means no human/scientist has determined a classification yet.

The rs number (example rs61750595) in the top left of the Geno box identifies a specific location in your DNA, and is known as a SNP. Clicking on this 

will take you out of your report and into SNPedia where you can read more.

The two letters next to the SNP (example T;C) are known as the Orientation - each letter is known as an Allelle and  needs to be identified when interpreting the consequences of each genotype. Clicking the Orientation will lead you to this information.

Magnitude - a subjective measure of interest :

Also refer to Max Magnitude across all genotypes for this SNP

Geno time - timestamp of last modification of page

Frequency - how common is this genotype in your chosen population
Choosing a different ethnicity will change the population 'Frequency' for each genotype.

Gene - is the name given to the segment of DNA to which the Genos belong.

How to Print
A printout of everything would be thousands of pages, so here are suggestions how-to

Another suggestion as to how to take the report to your Medical Professional would be to save it to a USB stick

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