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My ancestors - map of places and names:
Addy, Alice
Addy, Elizabeth Beatrice
Addy, John
Addy, Jonathan
Addy, Joseph
Addy, Joseph
Addy, Joseph
Addy, William
Allot, George
Allot, John
Allot, John
Allot, John
Allot, Martha
Altham, Christopher
Altham, Mary
Attwell, James
Attwell, John
Attwell, John
Attwell, Samuel
Atwell, James
Atwill, John
Atwill, Mary
Atwill, Richard
Atwill, William
Barnes, Hargreaves
Barnes, John
Barnes, Martha Ellen
Baron, Mary
Bate, Edward
Bate, Enoch
Bate, Jane
Bate, Matthew
Beckley, Grace
Berry, Hannah
Berry, Joshua
Berry, Matthew
Berry, Matthew
Bever, Mary
Billsbury, Ralph
Bilsbury, Hannah
Bilsbury, Margaret
Bilsbury, Ralph
Birchall, Jane
Birchall, William
Booth, Mary
Booth, Mary Elizabeth
Booth, Samuel
Booth, Thomas
Booth, Thomas
Booth, William
Bradshaw, Ann
Bradshaw, Elizabeth
Bradshaw, Ellen
Bradshaw, Margaret
Bray, Grace
Bridge, Margaret
Briggs, Mary Ann
Briggs, Robert
Briggs, Robert
Brock, Catherine
Brohan, Mary
Brooks, Leah
Buckley, George Edward
Buckley, Joseph
Buckley, Rosamund
Buckley, Thomas
Buckley, Thomas
Butterworth, Betty
Castell, Christopher
Castle, Barnabas
Castle, Christopher
Castle, Elizabeth
Castle, Elizabeth Anne
Castle, Henry
Castle, John
Champion, George
Charlton, Sarah
Cheetham, Ann
Collings, Ann
Collings, John
Coop, James
Coop, John
Coultas, Elizabeth
Crews, Joan
Crook, Betty
Crowther, Elizabeth
Crowther, Grace
Crowther, John
Dearden, Fanny
Dillen, Grace
Done, Ann
Done, Richard
Done, Thomas
Done, Thomas
Duckworth, Anne
Duckworth, James
Dugdale, Mary Anne
Dugdale, William
Ellison, Elizabeth
Ellison, Hamlet
English, Henry Samuel
English, Joseph Henry
English, Nellie
English, William
Farley, Elizabeth
Ffolland, Michael
Ffolly, Simon
Folland, Hugh
Folland, Mary
Folland, Richard
Folland, Simon
Fort, Henry
Fort, Peggy
Fort, Robert
Gibbons, Ann
Gibbons, Francis
Goldthorp, John
Goldthorp, Jonathan
Goldthorp, Mary
Gowling, Robert
Graham, John
Gray, Jane
Gresty, Sarah
Hall, William
Hamer, James
Hamer, Joseph
Hamer, Leah
Hamer, Martha
Hamer, Richard
Hargreaves, Alice
Harvey, Thomasine Mary
Harvey, William
Haslam, Abigail
Haslam, Thomas
Haworth, Agnes
Haworth, Mary
Haynes, Charlotte Susannah
Hellawell, Charles
Heywood, Betty
Heywood, Thomas
Hilton, Sarah
Hodge, John
Hodge, Mary
Holt, Elizabeth
Holt, Ellen
Holt, Henry
Hooper, Eliza
Hooper, John
Hooper, John
Hooper, Thomas
Hooper, Thomas jun.
Hooper, William
Horrocks, Alice
Hotham, Ann
Hotham, William
Houghton, Hannah
Howarth, John
Hutchinson, Ann
Hutchinson, Mary Brooks
Jackson, Susannah
Kenworthy, Mary
Kenworthy, Sarah
Kershaw, Charles
Kershaw, Charles
Kershaw, James
Kershaw, John
Kershaw, Sarah
Lee, Sarah
Lees, Abraham
Lees, Sally
Lightfoot, John
Lightfoot, John
Lightfoot, Joseph
Lightfoot, Mary
Lightfoot, Ralph
Lightfoot, Richard
Livesey, Charles
Livesey, Elizabeth
Livesey, Peter
Livesey, Richard
Livesey, Richard
Livesey, Richard
Livsay, Robert
Lomax, Ann
Lomax, Hannah
Lomax, John
Lord, Betty
Lord, James
Mallalieu, Sarah
Marcroft, Ann
Marcroft, Robert
Markes, Anne
Moxworthy, Elizabeth
Munkes, Jane
Nichols, Isaac
Nichols, Sarah
Nuttall, Andrew
Nuttall, Jane
Nuttall, Richard
Nuttall, William
Openshaw, Susan
Openshey, James
Orm, James
Orm, James
Orme, Ann
Partridge, Betty
Petty, George
Petty, Jane
Platt, Alice
Platt, Dorothie
Platt, John
Pope, James
Pope, Martha
Radcliffe, Alexander
Radcliffe, Edmund
Radcliffe, Jerry
Radcliffe, Nancy
Radcliffe, Robert
Radcliffe, Samuel
Radcliffe, Thomas
Radcliffe, William
Radly, Hannah
Reeve, Grace
Reeve, Nathaniel
Richardson, Ann
Richardson, Geo.
Richardson, Susannah
Richardson, Thomas
Riley, Anne
Rogerson, Abraham
Rogerson, Ann
Rogerson, William
Roobotham, Sarah
Rooney, Christopher
Rooney, James
Rooney, John
Rooney, John William
Rowley, Sarah
Schofield, Hannah
Shaw, Eliza Ann
Shaw, John
Shore, Betty
Shore, John
Shorrock, Ann
Shorrock, Meadowcroft
Shorrock, Roger
Simpson, Hannah
Simpson, Thomas
Smith, Alice
Smith, John
Smith, Judith
Smith, Richard
Smith, Robert
Stock, Benjamin
Stock, Elizabeth
Stock, John
Stonely, Ann
Storey, Susanah
Storey, Thomas
Story, Thomas
Story, Thomas
Story, William
Sykes, Abraham
Sykes, Caroline
Tarring, Arthur
Tarring, Emblin
Taylor, Leah
Taylor, Nancy
Thompson, Sarah
Thompson, William
Thompson, William
Todd, Abraham
Todd, John
Todd, John
Todd, John
Todd, Mary Ann
Torring, William
Turner, Ann
Turner, Betty
Turner, Thomas
Venison, Edward
Venison, Rebecca
Venison, Robert
Walch, Betty
Walker, Ann
Walker, Harry
Walker, James Coop
Walker, John
Walling, Lilian
Waterhouse, Mary
Webster, Elizabeth
Whewall, Mary
Whitaker, Henry
Whittaker, Abraham
Whittaker, James
Whittaker, Mary Ann
Whittaker, Mary Ann
Wild, Ellen
Wild, James
Williamson, Robert
Williamson, Susannah
Wilme, Anne
Wilson, Jane
Winterbotham, Mary
Woolley, Ann
Woolley, Daniel
Woolley, Daniel
Woolley, John
Woolley, Nancy
Woolley, William
Wright, Isabella
Wright, Robert