Saturday, 28 January 2017

Addy Admins

Nov. 6, 1665. ADDY, Ellenor, Farneley Tyas, par. Almondbury, fol. 607, Pontefract (ADMIN)

Sexto die mensis Novembris Anno p'dict Ado bonorum iurium
Sixth of month Novermber year aforesaid Administration goods rights

creditorum et chattallorum qua fuerant Ellenora Addy nuper de
credits and chattels which were Elleanor Addy late of

Farneley Tyas p'ile de Almondbury dioc Eborium defuncta abintestata
Farnley Tyas parish of Almondbury diocese of York died intestate

ut asseritur concessa fuit Ellenorae uxori Thomae Jepson filia naturali
when asserted granted was Elleanor wife Thomas Jepson lawful daughter

et legitimae dictae defuncte prius in ea ple iuratae Salvo etc Exhibitum
born of the body of said deceased before upon this ??? sworn save and exhibited

fuit JuvIII infra 40li et passtita est ???
was ??? below 40 pounds and ??? and ???

soc.genealogy.britain discussion here
Aug 9 1666 ADDY William par Almondbury fol 623 Pontefract (ADMIN)

On 9 August of the aforesaid year, Rev Robert Allanson, Vicar of Mirfield 

diocese of York, granted  by special commission (see cert)  administration of 

the goods of William Addy of Almondbury to his lawful daughter Ellenor wife 

of Thomas Jepson  she having sworn on the Holy Evangelists Well [ and 

faithfully to admin etc]She having sworn to exhibit an inventory and that it 

[value of the estate] was less than £40. 

soc.genealogy.britain discussion here!searchin/soc.genealogy.britain/addy$20admin%7Csort:relevance/soc.genealogy.britain/4o0txQj_C0Y/KizoXFsoocQJ

Relevant Timeline:

Nov 1592 Robert Addy and Jennett Armytage were married the ix day. Kirkburton
Aug 1593 Jennett Addy daughter of Robert Addy was baptized the xxiii day. Kirkburton
16 Aug 1618 Robertus Addy et Elizabetha Hinchliff nupt Almondbury
1619 Jenet sister of Robert Addy of Kirkburton (WILL)
1619 Elizabeth wife of Robert Addy of Kirkburton (WILL)
1619 Robert Addy’s sister’s daughter who married Robert Wood (WILL)
1619-20 death of Robert Addy, labourer of Kirkburton – burial not found
 05 Sep 1621 Georgius Naylar et Elizabeth Addy nupt Almondbury
30 Mar 1625 Dorothe Addey buried @ Wakefield
25 Nov 1627 Joseph son of William Addie bapt ye same day. Kirkburton
Dec 1643 Jane wife of William Addie buried same day. Kirkburton
******* 1644-1647 nearly all records missing from Almondbury
Jan 1645 William son of Jennett Earnshaw and John Addie bapt same day. Kirkburton
Mar 1645 ….. of Ann Swallowes and John Addie buried the xth day. Kirkburton
Dec 1645 A crisome child of Eliz: Booth and John Addie buried ffowrth day. Kirkburton
08 Nov 1647 Willelmus Addie et Alicia Kay nupt Almondbury
 29 Jul 1648 Helena f Willelmi Addie de Farneley bapt Almondbury
 02 Jul 1649 Georgius f Willelmi Addie de Farnley sepult Almondbury
Jan 1654 Susanna f Willelmi Addy iunioris de Farnley Tias bapt Almondbury
28 June 1654 Susanna f Willelmi Addy iunioris de Farnley Tyas yeoman sepult Almondbury
10 Feb 1655/6 Josephus Addie et Anna Stables nupt Almondbury
14 Oct 1656 Joseph Addie mentioned in Almondbury Manor Court Rolls to make his ditches
7 oct 1662 Maria ux Guilielmi Addey junioris de Farnley tyas sepult Almondbury
10 Dec 1662 Guilielmus Addy et Margaretta Mellar nupt Almondbury
28 Apr 1664 Joseph Addy or his Assigns, annual rent for one close of land meadow & pasture with appurtenances in Almondbury and all houses, buildings to the same to the lord Sir John Kay Bart of Denby 7 1/2d
10 May 1664 Ellen Addy married Jepson (sic Thomas)
8 Oct 1664 Gulielmus Addie de Farnley senior sepult Almondbury
23 March 1665 Alicia Addy vid noctu improviso morte defuncta de Farnley tias sepult Almondbury
6 Nov 1665 Admin of Ellenor Addy of Farnley Tyas by Ellenor wife of Thomas Jepson, lawful daughter of the deceased
9 Aug 1666 Admin of William Addy parish of Almondbury to his lawful daughter Ellenor wife of Thomas Jepson
Jan 1674 Gervase Addy of Almondbury & Margaret Alias Nicholson of Howden married by License at Howden
21 March 1667/7 Margareta ux Guilielmi Addy de Farnelay tias sepult Almondbury
Willi: Bedforth & Grace Addy mar:  27 Feb 1676 Emley.
9 Jun 1679 Ann Addy of Golcar buried at Huddersfield
Susanna filia Josephj Adde sep:  23 Dec 1679 Emley
17 April 1682 Joseph Addie married Mary Bever botp @ Kirkburton
Note: Joseph Addy was churchwarden in 1689, also his wife Mary was from a family of some standing.
6 Dec 1682 Mary d Joseph Addy of Hepworth baptised @ Kirkburton
8 Aug 1669 Ellin the wife of Thomas Jepson buried the 8 Aug 1669 at Mirfield
31 Aug 1684 Elizabeth d Joseph Addy of Hepworth baptised @ Kirkburton
23 Jan 1687 Joseph s Joseph Addy baptised @ Kirkburton
1 April 1687 Anna ux Josephi Addy de Fenay bridge sepult

1 comment:

  1. Also researching family history of ADDY. As you will appreciate it is difficult to find information the further back you go. I like to verify before adding to the tree. I came across your blog. I believe that John Addy 1777 grandson of Joseph Addy 1716 and Sarah Lee, may have moved to the South of England, Kent and my husband is a descendant.
